The Center for Grief Recovery and Creativity: Reflections

The Center for Grief Recovery and Creativity (the Center) is a counseling center located at 1263 W. Loyola Chicago, IL 60626. You can find us on the web at We are the place for people to go who are experiencing intense emotional experiences. Our licensed professionals are compassionate and skilled. Find us here at our website.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How Do You Know Therapy is Working?

How Do You Know Therapy is Working?

There are many ways of thinking about and answering this question. We hear a lot of ideas and answers from others, but what are some specific measures or outcomes you can identify to help you with this important question?

To address this question, the Institute has developed a list of outcomes that you can use. Remember that each person is unique and will have their own particular version or experience of these outcomes:

•You feel increasingly mature
•You feel more powerful
•You are more active and less passive
•You give up attempts to control others yet have more influence with others
•You have increased ability to shape the environment
•You are more aware of your deeper needs, and get more of your needs met
•You are more independent
•You are more connected to others
•You have a broader range of emotional responses
•You feel more balanced

Please send us other outcomes you may have noticed in yourself if you have had a course of therapy or would like to have if you are considering it. Either way we would welcome your comments.

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