The Center for Grief Recovery and Creativity: Reflections

The Center for Grief Recovery and Creativity (the Center) is a counseling center located at 1263 W. Loyola Chicago, IL 60626. You can find us on the web at We are the place for people to go who are experiencing intense emotional experiences. Our licensed professionals are compassionate and skilled. Find us here at our website.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You Were Encamped...

You were encamped in the living room yesterday
And had mined the hall.
Every step exploded a memory.
Whether sour or sweet
They took my knees out each time.

There were simply no choices
I had to engage with you all day
Talking, pleading, recriminating
Laughing like a lunatic.
And afterward just alone.

Today, I stand in the hall watching
The ghost of an old cat arch against the corner
I know you are there
Rhyming my name with an exhalation of air
I feel on my neck.

For the first time, I turn back to the kitchen
Away from you,
Away from somewhere you are
I will apologize again and again.

KC Conway


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