The Center for Grief Recovery and Creativity: Reflections

The Center for Grief Recovery and Creativity (the Center) is a counseling center located at 1263 W. Loyola Chicago, IL 60626. You can find us on the web at We are the place for people to go who are experiencing intense emotional experiences. Our licensed professionals are compassionate and skilled. Find us here at our website.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Conquering Doubt and Fear

Doubt and fear are two of the most negative elements in the human psyche. The end result of these two elements is immobility, paralysis. We cannot take a step either physically or mentally. Both the mind and body can be frozen with fear and doubt. Whatever we do to help ourselves surmount our grief (psychic pain), we must deal with these negativities. We cannot expect ourselves to be hopeful, or to have faith in moving forward, when doubt and fear are not handled. We are all aware of the placebo effect or of the increased speed of healing when optimism and hope are present. Thus when we believe that we can get better, there is a much better probability that we will, in fact, be successful.